Nottingham Cohousing is a Community Land Trust : an independent organisation that champions affordable sustainable community–led housing.

We’ve been in operation since 2016, and during that time we’ve looked at sites in various places around the city of Nottingham. In particular, we submitted a bid for the library site in Sherwood (2018) to establish 22 homes and rebuild the library. We pulled out when the bid profile was altered and new costs were beyond our reach, but we continue to look. Our aim is to enable community – led housing to take root in Nottingham and the surrounding area, and we have experience of the process to effectively deliver this. We have successfully engaged experts in developing the ideas and galvanised community groups to make it happen.

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Nottingham Cohousing

Fancy working together?

If this is the kind of project you’d like to do, drop us a line for a no obligation chat about how we can help. We’ll then send over a proposal with more details and be happy to discuss things further before we get started.

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